Friday, June 6, 2008

Pantry pics for pals

cereal (we're low on a few of those) and our fiber one bars we have to (HAVE TO) keep up high away from the little mouths!

can you tell we like cereal?

my spices section

more spices and usual grab and cook stuff

breakfast stuff (my kids eat oatmeal all the time!) and random cooking things...if i'm feeling it

all my cookbooks that i rarely use

baby food and refried beans - where it's empty is where we usually have Ranch Style Beans - we're out!!! i love that stuff! i always serve it with my quick and easy chicken and rice casserole

tomatoes...i ought to call this the tomato shelf, lol. we have them available in stewed and diced...right now...we usually have a couple other varieties too...can never have enough of this stuff on hand! green beans, corn, creamed soups for whatevers and baked beans and canned olives.

all peanut buttery type stuff, and canned stuff like tuna - we also keep our canned chicken and beef there too when we buy it

dried pasta, soups and a random can of beans

always have to have tomato soup on hand for grilled cheese! black beans, garbanzo and black eyed peas, mandarin oranges, pineapple, and some spaghetti sauce and yes, cranberry sauce.
**i'll have to photograph the bottom shelf that i apparently overlooked but it's got some of my paper products like paper plates, bowls, napkins, lunch bags, plastic utencils, and other things like trivets, foil paper and things I overbuy on, like miracle whip, relish, ketchup, dressing, etc.**

i added some light for this, but basically a repeat of the above photo...

my nutrisystem stuff and our garbage bags...still undecided on whether those are going out to the garage too (there's a small glimpse of my paper products shelf)

i keep popcorn, extra bags of chips, pretzels (that don't fit over the fridge) here

this is my wip (work in progress)

I was challenged to show my before pictures of my pantry to friends online who wanted to see my 'stockpiling' in action. BUUUUT, I couldn't do the before pictures...well, a true before anyway. The pantry is by no means the way I want it, but I tidied it up a little before snapping some pics