Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why Obama is not only a bad choice, he is the WORST choice

If you care about life, even in the least, I think a friend's post online summed up what we should all be praying about. It is all but certain (barring a miracle) that Obama will win. What does this mean to you? Well, if you are pro-life - scratch that - if you care about the lives of our unborn children, you need to examine FOCA. It will invalidate every pro-life decision made in the past 30 years.

This is NOT a woman's issue we are talking about. This is a human rights issue that has masked itself as a 'woman's right'. The repercussions are astounding. If you think you can turn a blind eye to the biggest atrocities facing our nation, I implore you to examine your conscience.

I was approached by a lady I met at church a few weeks ago. She told me that due to a conversation I was a part of, she changed her mind from voting for Obama. If I can influence even one person from understanding the inherent evil that is associated with Obama, then I have done my part and this blog has served a good purpose. I am not advocating for McCain. I am advocating against Obama. If you are fortunate to live in a state where you can vote your conscience, consider the Libertarian party or many of the write-in candidates.

When we can't count on a candidate to represent the unborn, can we truly trust them with any other issue? I am not a one-issue voter, but in order of importance this one is at the top of the list.

I give you my friend's post. And an FYI: this is from a Catholic pov.

This is very difficult for me because I am friends with women whom I know totally disagree with me on this issue, however I think that a lot of people here who THINK they are informed are not informed about certain issues. FOCA is one of them. The reason why I say this is because there has not nearly been enough light on FOCA and how it is different from what we know to be Roe and Doe.

First of all the Church's stance when both candidates are in favor of a policy that is in conflict with Church teaching, that one is supposed to weigh the candidates and vote for the one who is in less opposition to moral issues. It does not mean that if you can find fault with both that you can ignore the moral conflict with the greater offender and vote for them because you find moral fault with both. So in your example of Obama being pro-abortion rights and McCain being pro-death penalty there is a extreme difference in effect. Three thousand unborn children are slaughtered daily- innocent unborn children who have commited no sin. Contrast that with a few hundred criminals each year who have committed grave atrocities and there isn't a comparison. FTR I have had a friend brutally murdered and I am still anti death penalty.

This is not about Roe and Doe. It is, but that is not all it is about. It is about FOCA. FOCA will remove every piece of abortion restriction legislation on the books from the last 30 years or more. It will defund crisis pregnancy clinics who will not refer for abortion. It will run Catholic hospitals out of business because it will remove the conscience clause for hospitals and pharmacies.

Do you like your Catholic hospital? Do you like your NFP only doctor? With a Deomcratic supermajority and a Democratic president, particularly if the fillibuster is lost, you can say goodbye to all of that. It means medicaid WILL fund birth control and abortion. It means your health insurance will reimburse birth control and abortion. It means that your pharmacy WILL carry Plan B, RU 486 and all forms of birth control.

I am already considering which midwife I will go to when my doctor stops delivering babies. He is NFP only and if faced with doing abortions, tubals and perscribing birth control, he will stop practicing.

We help fundraise for a crisis pregnancy clinic that provides MEDICAL care, not just counseling. It is Pro-life 100%. They have already scheduled an emergency board meeting to plan for when FOCA is passed should Obama win tonight, because if FOCA is passed they will probably have to forfeit their license since they will not be able to keep it and refuse to refer for abortions. This clinic has already driven one abortuary out of business and is almost done driving another one out of business.

I say it again. This isn't about Roe and Doe, it is about way more than that.

And I have a special needs child in public school ESE right now. I am very aware of the issues with our public schools. I am an informed voter. Neither candidate is a great choice, however there is too much riding on the moral issues surrounding this election to vote for Obama. Not to mention I do not think his platform will solve any of our problems.


Martina said...

alicia said...

Hey, I'm a midwife and I would also be affected. I might be forced to prescribe drugs, I might be forced to sign referrals for abortions or to sign tubal consents or who knows what all else in order to keep my license and hospital privileges. If this passes, I predict that there will be many health care providers of all categories who will practice underground.....
November 4, 2008 9:27 PM
Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

We are certainly in deep trouble. The fairness doctrine is also likely to be reinstituted meaning that we will return to the days when the opposition had no voice. Thank God for the internet. Until they pass hate-speech legislation we will still be able to speak freely here. Pray the rosary. Learn about the apparitions to Our Lady of America. Next week the U.S. bishops meet in Baltimore. Please pray that these men will become apostolic witnesses like the apostles of the first century. And never lose heart. Discouragement is always a tool of the evil one.
November 5, 2008 6:45 AM
Martina said...

And imagine, I didn't even touch on the many, *many* other issues that make him a real threat to our beliefs.
November 5, 2008 7:35 AM

The Cohen's said...

I'm SO glad to see someone post something like this... this is was one of my BIGGEST qualms with Obama... and for some reason most people seemed to overlook this HUGE issue!!! I don't think a lot of people have really taken the time to listen to what he even stands for, they just wanted "change". How said that we are not STUCK with this horrible change. I'm glad not all the Plan B Mommas are for Obama!

Martina said...

votes for him reminded me of the panic of the stock market crash decades ago. i'll have to find it, but there is also a strong correlation/connection (however you want to spin i) between the current economy and the clinton adminstration. it's basically clinton's decisions that have us where we are and bush gets stuck with that stigma. the current trend is the result of the previous administration.

Jen, Preston and Maren said...

I can only hope that none of his plans come true. In the beginning I was simply worried about being taxed more and having less control of my money. Now I worry if I will have control over much at all.